Your Sales Team – Build, Manage and Coach

For virtually all companies, sales teams are a vital driver of revenue. This makes knowing how to build a successful sales team fundamental to a company’s success. And yes, the task entails much more than hiring a bunch of sales reps and putting them into action. It’s vital to understand the nuances of your business development and customer needs, and the optimal approach to tailoring your sales organization to meet those needs. There are other key considerations as well, such as the types of products or services your company offers, as well as its projected growth. These factors impact the roles, skill sets, and the number of people you must hire.

On their own however, many companies lack the capacity and/or expertise to do much more than hire sales people and teach them the basics. They are often in no position to properly build a solid foundation for this key corporate function. Does that describe your company? If so, fear not.

Enter Focus—which you can hire to be your sales management department to build (or rebuild)—and run—all areas of your sales organization. Focus has the expertise to take on the responsibility for hiring/firing, managing, coaching, training, and motivating your sales resources. Focus can do it all for you, or provide specific services a la carte—at a cost that can make conducting your own Sales Management seem prohibitively expensive. Outsourcing the building of your Sales Organization could be exactly what your company needs to elevate your sales department to the next level—without committing to a burdensome investment.

Outsourced Sales Manager

When you outsource your Sales Management to Focus, one of the first steps we take is to assign you a dedicated Outsourced Sales Manager to evaluate sales infrastructure, by identifying areas of strength or weakness and determining where improvements need to be made. Coming from outside your organization, a Focus Outsourced Sales Manager leverages their knowledge and expertise running other Sales Organizations to deliver an objective perspective on your selling processes. They know that with diverse backgrounds, experience, age, history, demographic, industry, and so on, no two sales departments are the same. Sales assessments requires sensitivity, and Focus has the experience to turn the process into a win-win situation, providing valuable insights that can help companies grow – and deliver in supporting Sales resources grow in their profession as well.

Recruiting Salespeople

In some cases, the evaluation process makes it clear that your organization requires an infusion of new talent to raise the bar with respect to your sales approach. The business world is highly competitive and difficult decisions need to be made. Should your company need new talent, Focus can drive all recruitment responsibilities including the  design of your sales roles’ specifications, responsibilities, and compensation.  Another option is for Focus to work with your in-house department or a third party, contributing in whatever way you deem appropriate, such as participating in critical final interviews.

Coaching and Training

Coaching and Training

Formal Sales Training

With almost two decades supporting and coaching sales organizations, Focus continues to author over 30 formal sales training modules, based on the evolving gaps and needs of your sales reps. Our trainings at times are presented in a group forum, but prefer one-on-one coaching that tackles active issues currently being experienced by your sales person. Your reps will also learn from third party content, shadow meetings, roleplaying, cold call practicing, as well as do practice presentations and demos.

On-the-job continuous improvement

Learning on the job is the ultimate real-world learning experience, which is why your Outsourced Sales Manager will support, manage and coach your reps day-to-day using sales meetings, one-on-one sessions, email exchanges, and so on as needed. This process gives sales reps a chance to implement what they learned in their formal sales training. Each salesperson has unlimited access to their Outsourced Sales Manager/coach, minimizing missteps and enhancing efficiency.


Click here to learn more about building your sales management team, outsourcing your Sales Manager role or Formal Sales Training.