A complimentary assessment of your current sales organization set up, including the evaluation of your strategy, structure, processes and tools.

We will provide our feedback for how, if allowed, we would “renovate” & “run” your sales team.

Is it the Owner/President? Is it one of your most experienced and skilled sales reps who’s doing double duty? Or do you have no Sales Manager at all? We ask these questions only to ask one more: Do you need a Sales Manager, but are too small to warrant or afford a full-time person?

The solution we’re talking about today is to consider hiring Fous as your “Outsourced Sales Manager” to fulfill your need for a Sales Manager at your company.

What We Do

  1. Evaluation: Working with you, we evaluate your current sales organization’s setup (strategy, structure, roles, metrics, tools, CRM, etc.)
  2. Renovation: If required, we tear down your old sales organization setup and replace it with something state-of-the art that’s more appropriate to your current needs.
  3. Running the Sales Team: We fulfill most conventional sales manager responsibilities.
  4. Transition: Eventually, when the time is right—after your sales force is humming along and sales growth is in line with your expectations, we backfill our role and turn Sales Management back over to you.

Why consider hiring Focus instead of hiring your own Sales Manager?

It’s What We Do: We’ve perfected the art of Sales Management because we “eat, sleep and drink” it. It’s what we’ve been doing for 15 plus years.

3 for 1: When we strike an agreement with a company to serve as their Sales Manager, they get three (3) distinct roles; it is a three-for-one deal providing three resources instead of just hiring one person. This resourcing significantly bolsters a company’s sales force by adding horsepower and expanded perspectives.

We Understand You:  All of our clients are B2B and typically in “brick and mortar” businesses (industrial, distribution, manufacturing, logistics, technology, etc.).  As a result of our many years of experience, we quickly get up to speed on the nuances of your business and its distinctive operations.

Cost Savings: The average Sales Manager will cost you $10,000-$15,000 per month all in, which is a serious commitment that you’ve really got to leverage skillfully to make it pay. Depending on the size of the sales team, Focus’ average monthly “salary” is generally 20-40% of this. The difference between paying your own Sales Manager and paying Focus is substantial.