The benefits of multichannel success using marketing automation

Empowering your digital marketing efforts can be a daunting and time-consuming task – often further taxing an already spread-thin marketing team. Lead qualification and nurturing, social strategies and even communicating with your current customer-base always looks great on paper but can be difficult to execute and even more so to maintain.

Enter one of Salesforce’s Digital Marketing Automation tools – Pardot. Digital Marketing Automation allows marketers the opportunity to automate those often-repetitive marketing tasks such as emails, social media and lead nurturing and gathering. Streamlining your strategies and personalizing marketing experiences for a wide variety of potential and returning customers; all controlled and maintained using strategies implemented days, weeks or even months in advance.

Here are some of the reasons why a company would want to enhance their marketing with an automation strategy:

  1. CRM Integration – what happens with all those leads you collected at the trade show? Or, what about the leads you could be collecting on your website? Why not integrate an automation strategy into your CRM that could nurture those leads for you and begin to communicate with your potential customers – long before the sales teams reach out to them? Then when they do, the automation tool would provide a score, or a rank based on the previous actions of that lead.
  2. Data Collection – Automatic marketing offers a touch-point to clients or customers that doesn’t have to be sales-driven. The empirical data collected from your campaigns can help provide insight and be used to collect specific data to improve future campaigns and communication.
  3. Multichannel Management – it’s relatively easy to manage and maintain a single marketing channel – unfortunately consumers can be found on multiple channels and as such, it’s getting harder and harder to keep track of them all. With marketing automation, it allows your marketing department the opportunity to keep track of all of your channels and execute against them from a single location.
  4. Consistency – There is nothing more frustrating to a marketer than to spend time working on a campaign or a method of communication to their customers only to have the sales team “improvise” on the fly. With marketing automation, all of your processes and brand messages are controlled and managed from a single location.
  5. Personalization – With marketing automation, you can tailor the strategy and approach to the user, thereby offering a unique and more inviting experience that’s relevant to their personal requirements – ultimately, to improve the chance for conversion.
  6. Save Time – campaigns can be developed and scheduled ahead of time, to be released based on a timeline that you implement and then executed automatically and continuously.
  7. Efficiency – Marketing Automation provides a streamlined alternative to traditionally manual processes therefore saving time, effort and ultimately your marketing dollars. Marketing Automation is the perfect equalizer that make the smaller, streamlined teams more effective and efficient, allowing them to easily compete with larger organizations in regard to how they are communicating to their potential and current customers.

If you are looking at how you can further enhance your current marketing initiatives by creating a more robust multichannel strategy that can customize a plan geared toward an individual customer’s needs – then marketing automation should be high on your list to investigate. If you’d like us to give you a demo or talk through some ideas about Marketing Automation and how it could benefit your organization – reach out to our sales team by filling out the form on this page and mentioning the word “Pardot” in the comments section.