September Tip of the Month

With the Fall season starting up, the trade show & event season is also now getting going.  That means more leads.

So … how should you follow up these leads to ensure you maximize your return?  Click here to read how.

August Tip of the Month

Question: If you invest marketing $$$ to generate a lot of leads (website, trade shows, events), who should be following these leads up?

Answer: Sales people want to follow up every lead but in reality, their personality, focus, $$ motivation & priorities, often leave leads getting a quick call or email and nothing else. Most die. Instead, have an Inside role (called a Business Development Rep) to follow up, qualify, nurture, educate and then hand over the leads when “ready”. That could be a week or a year.

July Tip of the Month

Remember that people are disorganized, don’t like to say no and like other people to lead (takes work off their plate), so LEAD!

June Tip of the Month

With Spring marketing, conference and trade show season in full swing, remember that if you want to turn your leads into sales, DON’T give all the leads directly to your sales reps.

Why & what should I do?

Click here to check out the article that I wrote for more info!

May Tip of the Month

Wanna Turn Leads Into Sales? Don’t give them to your sales reps!

Why? Because 80% of leads that come in are NOT ready to buy anytime soon. They are inquiring.

So What? Let’s look at the make-up of a sales rep:

  • Skill: Sales reps are better at closing deals vs. nurturing long term relationships.
  • Focus: sales reps focus their time on closing deals vs. nurturing long term relationships.
  • Preference: sales reps prefer to focus their time on closing deals vs. nurturing long term relationships.
  • Compensation: sales reps are paid when they make sales – not nurturing long term relationships.
  • Management Pressure: Managers are focused on what the sales rep closed – not what they are nurturing long term. Now you understand why long-term leads often rot in CRM’s and on desks all over the world.